It is very common for bunny owners to say to me 'I don't pick him up, he doesn't like it' and while it is true that rabbits are prey animals so their instinct will be to not want to be picked up, there are times when it is necessary, and it is much more stressful on them (and you!) when you DO have to pick them up if they aren't used to it!
Despite what you may have heard online, there are HEAPS of reasons why it's a good idea to get your rabbit used to being picked up - health checks, less stress on them for grooming, nails or vet care, preventing panic when you need to get them into a carrier, and many more!
We find that most rabbits are actually ok with us picking them up even if they aren't ok with it at home, because we are confident doing it so they feel secure and we actually find that quite a lot of them enjoy a cuddle once they are happily up, and their owners are missing out on this bonding experience with their bunnies!
So, I developed a THREE STEP PROCESS to help bunny owners like you, ease their fur baby into getting used to being picked up, and to get confident doing it, so that they can pick them up when they have to and develop a closer bond with them at the same time!
Rabbits can absolutely be trained to become used to being picked up, and rabbit guardians can learn how to do it confidently, so that it becomes a non event - making life easier all around!
Join this Challenge to learn how to do it confidently and in a gentle, no stress way for your rabbit and change your relationship with your bunny forever!